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Parent Directory 29-Oct-2004 16:38 - Agonizing Memories
mars.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:55 337k MARS - a candidate cipher for AES
mAdchAt: si les anges étaient des robots ?
| madchat.org # updates # buildtime: 20061031 # donjon files: -===~
,------------ /coding/
| The Tao of Programming
,------------ /coding/ai/games/
| Game AI: The shrinking gap between computer games and AI systems
| Making the Human Care: On Building Engaging Bots
,------------ /coding/ai/games/quake/
| Quake II as a Robotic and Multi-Agent Platform
| It Knows What You’re Going To Do: Adding Anticipation to a Quakebot
| Intelligent Autonomous Agents in Quake
| Quake III : Fun And More - A tutorial introduction to building Quake III mods and more!
| The Quake III Arena Bot
,------------ /esprit/emags/dhmag/
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 01: Shape up your DOS environment, Mixed Language Programming
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 02: The PSP, ANSI, opening the CD Tray
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 03: Hex2Dec2Bin2Oct, TSR Clock, More File Handles, ERRORLEVEL
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 04: Keyboard LED's, Undocumented FORMAT, Reboot, ANSI
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 05: Unloading TSR's, Tips and Tricks, Video Hardware
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 06: Animation, MASM for Free, Self Replicating Source
,------------ /esprit/emags/tcdiaries/
| tcdiaries1.zip
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,------------ /vxdevl/vxsrc/
| Acad.Galaxy
| Win9x.FirstBorn
| Win95.Etymo-Crypt
| I-Worm.PieceByPiece
| I-Worm.Alizee
| Win32.Parrot
| Win32.Cichosz
| Win32.Ramlide
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| Win32.Nastena
| Win32.Nicole
the Spice expands consciousness / Smuggled by the evil Dr.Gang
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