Earlier in this series, I wrote about creating password policies and using password cracking utilities. (See Establishing Good Password Policies and Cracking Passwords to Enhance Security.) You may recall that it can be challenging to create a password policy that balances ease of use with effectiveness. Also, utilities exist which are capable of cracking even the most hard to guess passwords. In today's article, I'd like to demonstrate an alternative authentication system which is available on your FreeBSD system.
By default, when you login to your FreeBSD system, you are prompted for a password. This is known as a "reusable password" because you can input the same password whenever you login, until you either change the password on your own or are forced to change an expired password. This provides a measure of security: someone who doesn't know your password won't be able to access the resources on your system. However, this security is jeopardized if another user discovers your password.
There is another authentication system known as One Time Passwords (OTP). As the name suggests, you can only use a password once; you aren't allowed to reuse it. An OTP system ensures that a discovered password is useless to the person who discovers it. This can provide a bit more security in a world that contains password crackers, packet sniffers, and keyloggers.
OTP was developed at Bellcore (now Telcordia). Originally, it was a freely available software program known as S/Key. If you're interested, you can read the original paper on S/Key.
Related Reading ![]() Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd Edition |
Bellcore went on to trademark the term S/Key in order to develop a commercial product. Software development continued elsewhere under the name One-time Passwords In Everything (OPIE). OTP eventually evolved into hardware products as well. For an overview of the development of both software and hardware OTP, see this overview (PDF).
I won't show you how to integrate hardware OTP with your FreeBSD system as I'll assume that, like me, you don't have the budget to go out and purchase hardware tokens and proprietary authentication servers.
Fortunately, software OTP comes with your FreeBSD system and is easily
configured. If you're using FreeBSD 4.x or lower, you already have both
and opie
installed. opie
considered to be more secure as it uses MD5, whereas s/key
uses the less secure MD4. (See Cryptographic Terminology
101.) Starting with FreeBSD 5.0, s/key
will be phased
out and only opie
will be supported. I will cover the
configuration of opie
in this article.
Before you can begin to use opie
, you must add yourself
to the opie
database in /etc/opiekeys
. By
default this database is empty, which means you should just get your
prompt back if you run this command:
$ more /etc/opiekeys
To add yourself to the database, use the opiepasswd
command with the console switch:
$ opiepasswd -c
Adding dlavigne6:
Only use this method from the console; NEVER from remote. If you are using
telnet, xterm, or a dial-in, type ^C now or exit with no password.
Then run opiepasswd without the -c parameter.
Using MD5 to compute responses.
Enter new secret pass phrase:
Secret pass phrases must be between 10 and 127 characters long.
Enter new secret pass phrase:
Again new secret pass phrase:
ID dlavigne6 OTP key is 499 dh0391
Also in FreeBSD Basics: Cryptosystems: Debugging IPSec |
Let's take a closer look at what happened when I ran this
command. Notice the warning at the beginning. When you run
opiepasswd -c
you want to be either physically sitting at the
machine you normally login to or connected to the machine via
. Otherwise, your secret pass phrase and resulting
one-time password will be sent over the network in clear text, defeating
the purpose of the exercise.
I was then prompted for a secret pass phrase, and I received a warning
because my original pass phrase was too short. This pass phrase is similar
in concept to the pass phrase we saw when we generated a public/private
key pair in The SSH
Cryptosystem. This pass phrase isn't used as a password per se;
instead, it is used to prove that I am the person who added the
account to the database and the rightful owner of
the resulting "response" or one-time password. That response is comprised
of those six uppercase nonsense words.
At this point, I can verify that I am indeed in the opie
$ more /etc/opiekeys
dlavigne6 0499 dh0391 669a4a62db6714f3 Jan 18,2003 15:25:44
Notice that there is one entry in the database which contains my username, followed by a counter (499), followed by a seed (dh0391), followed by a key (669a4a62db6714f3), followed by the date and time the entry was added to the database. The counter and the seed are very important as they are used whenever I need to generate a one-time password.
If I ever need to verify my counter and seed, I should use this command:
$ opieinfo
498 dh0391
The opieinfo
command displays the count that will be used
the next time I login. Note that it is expecting the response associated
with "498", but I only know the response for "499". To figure out what
response is expected, I use an OTP calculator, which is really the
At this point I also have a choice: I can either use the calculator from a separate terminal every time I login, or I can print myself a list of responses and regenerate a new list whenever I run out of responses. Let's try both methods, starting with the first:
login: dlavigne6
otp-md5 498 dh0391 ext
Notice that when I login, I receive an OTP challenge.
is waiting for the response, or one-time password,
associated with counter 498. By default, users can decide whether or not
to use OTP when they login. If I decide instead to type in my reusable
password, it will be accepted and I'll login as usual.
If I decide to login using OTP, I'll first need to calculate the correct response. It doesn't matter where I use the calculator, as long as i don't use it over a non-encrypted network connection. I could use the calculator from another virtual terminal; for example, I could press Alt-F3, login locally and run the calculator. Alternately, if I have access to another computer in the room, or even a Palm Pilot running the calculator software, I could calculate the response there.
In order to use the calculator I need to know three things:
The current counter and seed are displayed in the challenge. However, it is important that only I know my secret pass phrase; otherwise, anyone could calculate the response and login as if they were me.
When I use the calculator, I include the count I need the response for as well as my seed:
$ opiekey 498 dh0391
Using the MD5 algorithm to compute response.
Reminder: Don't use opiekey from telnet or dial-in sessions.
Enter secret pass phrase:
Note that I was prompted for my secret pass phrase, then given the
response associated with counter 498: MASK BALM COL HER RIFT
Now that I know the correct response, I can return to my login prompt:
login: dlavigne6
otp-md5 498 dh0391 ext
Password: (here I pressed enter)
otp-md5 498 dh0391 ext
Password [echo on]: mask balm col her rift term
This time, instead of typing my reusable password, I pressed Enter which turned on echo. This allowed me to see the response as I typed it. Echo is a bad thing with reusable passwords which is why it is always off. However, with a one-time password, it doesn't matter if anyone sees me typing it as it can't be reused. Also, unlike a reusable password, the response is not case sensitive so it doesn't matter if I type it in upper or lower case.
Now if I do an opieinfo
, I'll see that the next expected
response will be for counter 497. That is, every time I use a one-time
password, the counter is decreased by one. I can merrily continue to
calculate and use up my responses; I need only be careful that I never let
my counter decrease to 0.
It may not always be convenient to use the calculator every time you want to login. Let's demonstrate the second method, where a list of responses is generated.
This time, I'll use the number or n
switch with the
calculator, to indicate how many responses I'd like to calculate. Here,
I'll generate a list of 10 responses, starting at the next expected count
of 497:
$ opiekey -n 10 497 dh0391
Using the MD5 algorithm to compute response.
Reminder: Don't use opiekey from telnet or dial-in sessions.
Enter secret pass phrase:
I now know what my next ten passwords will be. At this point, I could copy them to a piece of paper and store them in a safe place such as my wallet. Alternately, when you generate your own list, you could send the output to a file like so:
$ opiekey -n 10 497 dh0391 > secretlist
and print the list. Be careful to remove that file from your hard drive once you've printed it as you don't want to keep a copy of your next ten passwords on your hard drive.
If my counter gets dangerously low, say around 10, I should reset it using
the opiepasswd
command. Once you're in the password database, use
the n
or number switch in combination with the s
seed switch instead of the c
switch. In the next example, I'll
reset the counter back to 499 and change my seed to dh1357. When I do so, I'll
be prompted for the response associated with my current counter, which happens
to be 8:
$ opiepasswd -n 499 -s dh1357
Updating dlavigne6:
You need the response from an OTP generator.
Old secret pass phrase:
otp-md5 8 dh0391 ext
Response: loot omit safe eric jolt dark
New secret pass phrase:
otp-md5 499 dh1357
Response: hewn as dot mel mali mann
At this point, you may be wondering when would be the best time to actually use OTP, since you have a choice of using either OTP or a reusable password whenever you receive a login prompt. You probably won't use OTP when you login to a remote computer as you should use SSH for that purpose. Since SSH ensures that all of your information is encrypted, it has no need for OTP and hence does not support OTP. However, OTP can be appropriate when you need to login to your computer and you are concerned about "shoulder surfing" or someone else noticing your password as you type it in. For example, you may be in a crowded area with your laptop. Your computer may happen to be located in a high traffic area, which increases the possibility of someone noticing what password you use to login.
It is convenient to leave users with the choice of using or not using
OTP depending upon the likelihood of someone else noticing their password
when they need to login. It is also possible to change this default and
configure your FreeBSD system to force users to always use OTP. The
original way to do this was to create a file called
. However, this method is considered to be a
security hole and is even cautioned against in man
The preferred method is to use Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). Since I want to spend a fair bit of time on PAM, I will end this week's article here. In the next article, I'll introduce PAM, then carry on by configuring OTP as an example.
Dru Lavigne is a networking instructor at a private technical college in Kingston, ON, where she teaches the fundamentals of TCP/IP networking, routing, and security.
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