NameLast modifiedSizeDescriptionParent Directory 14-May-2005 22:46 - Agonizing Memories
00-cnam-cryptographie.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:14 199k Les Techniques De Cryptographie
007.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 143k The Misuse of RC4 in Microsoft Word and Excel
013-jgl.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:18 272k Vérification de protocoles cryptographiques
0501038.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 105k Data Tastes Better Seasoned: Introducing the ASH Family of Hashing Algorithms
061.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:18 70k Strengthened Encryption in the CBC Mode
075.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:10 127k An Hybrid Mode of Operation
0764541889.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:54 241k A Primer on Crypto Basics
126.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:45 337k Certificateless Public Key Cryptography
144.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:45 81k ID-based tripartite key agreement with signatures
147.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:45 314k A Parallelizable Enciphering Mode
148.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:46 245k The EMD Mode of Operation (A Tweaked, Wide-Blocksize, Strong PRP)
199.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 56k Collisions for Hash Functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD
1995meadows-asiacrypt94.pdf 07-Jul-2004 23:14 134k Formal Verification of Cryptographic Protocols: A Survey
2001_goodman_jssc.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:04 440k An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Public-Key Cryptography Processor
2002_HDRThesis-US.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:48 1.7M Le Chiffrement Asymetrique et la Securite Prouvee
2004_sac_A4.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:14 207k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
20thCenturyCryptoSpeech.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 25k The Five Great Inventions of Twentieth Century Cryptography
4.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:19 466k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
AB-9800.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:06 233k Recent Developments in the Design of Conventional Cryptographic Algorithms
AES Algorithm Efficiency.html 11-Nov-2004 20:01 72k AES Algorithm Efficiency
AFP-crypto-liberee.html 17-Jan-2003 07:00 2k L'usage de la cryptologie va en outre devenir totalement libre
AGPS_01OCFB-paper.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:18 279k Optimized Self-Synchronizing Mode of Operation
BRICS-RS-94-38.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:52 293k Enhancing the Strength of Conventional Cryptosystems
CHJ_02ge.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:26 275k GEM: a Generic Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Encryption Method
CSE-97-15.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:32 466k The Security of the Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code
Chap_07.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:48 167k Cryptologie
Cryptography-1.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:08 73k Cryptography: Public Key Cryptography; Mathematical Preliminaries
Cryptography-3.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:34 72k Cryptography: RSA Encryption and Decryption
CypherpunkManifesto.txt 28-Aug-2004 18:31 5k A Cypherpunk's Manifesto by Eric Hughes
DPA.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:10 217k Differential Power Analysis
FeteSc.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:19 160k Arithmétique et cryptologie
Grund_Symmetric-Cryptography_Paper.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:48 367k Symmetric Cryptography
HAVAL_paper.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:40 268k HAVAL - A One-Way Hashing Algorithm with Variable Length of Output
I22Diff.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:10 8k The Export of Cryptography in the 20th Century and the 21st
I2_cryptologie.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:15 64k Introduction à la cryptologie et aux cryptosystèmes
IC_TECH_REPORT_199938.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:12 183k Formal methods in the design of cryptographic protocols
IDEA_0304.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:14 308k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
IntroCrypto_fr.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:23 2.8M Introduction à la cryptographie
LeeShiYinRivestRobshaw-OnPermutationOperationsInCipherDesign.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:41 115k On Permutation Operations in Cipher Design
LinuxChiffrement.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:25 399k Chiffrement de données sous GNU/Linux
NMWd95ca.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:54 105k Are Crypto-Accelerators Really Inevitable?
NT.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:16 240k Number Theory and Cryptography
Nac95abs.pdf 07-Jul-2004 23:14 87k Signatures numeriques et preuves a divulgation nulle, cryptanalyse, defense et outils algorithmiques
PB-472.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:52 157k Practically secure Feistel ciphers
Part_III.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:58 520k Symmetric Key Cryptography
QC.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:30 1.8M Quantum cryptography
RHUL-MA-2001-5.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:49 501k Design, analysis and applications of cryptographic techniques
RSA02.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:50 855k Mathematiques du secret
RSA_hardware_implementation.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:31 279k RSA Hardware Implementation
RabinCryptosystem.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 8k Description of the Rabin Public Key Cryptosystem
RivestKaliski-RSAProblem.pdf 19-Sep-2004 15:42 97k RSA Problem
SaveVig.pdf 26-Jul-2004 13:05 476k Developing a Strong Cipher
Simplecrypto.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:52 42k One-Time Pad
SubstGen.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:03 79k Solving Substitution Ciphers with Genetics Algorithm
SurveyAsynchExt.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:52 149k A Survey of Asynchronous Extensions of Block Cipher Modes of Operation
The_simple_ideal_cipher_system.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:32 104k The simple ideal cipher system
TuringPres.pdf 26-Jul-2004 13:09 270k Turing: a fast software stream cipher
UserAuth.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:37 390k User Authentication Principles and Methods
Wits00.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:19 29k On the Perfect Encryption Assumption
aes-crypto.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:55 304k Essential Algebraic Structure Within the AES
alibaba.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:55 227k How To Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children
andreas3.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:06 2.3M How secure is a cipher?
arit.pdf 22-Feb-2005 17:05 202k
bear-lion.pdf 28-Aug-2004 18:32 152k Two Practical and Provably Secure Block Ciphers: BEAR and LION
bit_order.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:19 66k Input and Output Block Conventions for AES Encryption Algorithms
bsa-final-report.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 29k Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate Commercial Security
c.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:38 99k Weak Keys
cbtwirl.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:39 118k On the Cost of Factoring RSA-1024
cfs.pdf 07-Jul-2004 23:14 82k A Cryptographic File System for Unix
cfskey.pdf 28-Aug-2004 18:32 42k Key Management in an Encrypting File System
chaffing-and-winnowing.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 25k Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption
ches99.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:40 181k A High-Performance Flexible Architecture for Cryptography
cmc.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:20 750k A Tweakable Enciphering Mode
cocaine-auction-protocol.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:52 227k The Cocaine Auction Protocol: On The Power Of Anonymous Broadcast
code.pdf 01-Mar-2005 01:02 198k [VM] Explication du code de VM du Linux 2.4
concours_aes.pdf 21-Jul-2004 15:40 471k Analyse des algorithmes finalistes concourant pour le futur standard AES 24-Jul-2004 08:52 100k DNA-based Cryptography
crypto.pdf 01-Mar-2005 01:04 217k analysis algo stegano wordlists
crypto_mod.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:20 173k Mathematical Models in Public-Key Cryptology
crypto_moderne.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:53 205k La cryptologie moderne
cryptoanalyse.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:40 64k Elements de Cryptoanalyse
cryptography_new.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:53 219k An Introduction to Traditional Cryptography and Cryptanalysis for Amateurs
cryptosizes.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:45 438k Selecting Cryptographic Key Sizes
cucs-021-04.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:53 131k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
dean02.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:46 94k Cryptography as a Network Service
djalil-crypto.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:26 157k Quelques mots sur la cryptographie
elec6703-2-3.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:53 60k Encryption Algorithms
esm.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:53 60k A General Encryption Scheme Based on MDS Code
essay-037.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:48 31k Why cryptography is harder than it looks
examples.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:50 37k Some Examples of the PKCS Standards
fawkes.pdf 28-Aug-2004 18:32 122k A New Family of Authentication Protocols
fox_ujf.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 402k Fox: une nouvelle famille d'algorithmes de chiffrement par bloc
fse93.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 77k Performance of Symmetric Ciphers and One-way Hash Functions
fusion.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:45 148k All-Or-Nothing Encryption and The PAckage Transform
gladman.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:50 45k Implementation Experience with AES Candidate Algorithms
herys.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:53 10k Design and Analysis of Block Cipher with Variable Word-Size Based on Dedicated Hash Functions: SHACAL-V
high-perf-crypto.pdf 28-Aug-2004 18:43 46k Towards High Performance Cryptographic Software
histoire_cryptographie.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 215k Histoire de la cryptographie
inc1.pdf 15-Sep-2004 20:51 259k Incremental Cryptography: The Case of Hashing and Signing
inc2.pdf 15-Sep-2004 20:52 237k Incremental Cryptography and Application to Virus Protection
inchash.pdf 15-Sep-2004 20:53 427k A New Paradigm for Collision-free Hashing Incrementality at Reduced Cost
internet-modes.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:20 62k Cryptographic Modes of Operation for the Internet
ipsec.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:51 216k Weak Keys
katmct.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 98k Description of Known Answer Tests and Monte Carlo Tests for AES Candidate Algorithm Submissions
key-mngmt-crypto-fs.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 57k Key Management in an Encrypting File System
keyrecovery.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:53 169k The Design and Implementation of Protocol-Based Hidden Key Recovery
lars_knudsen.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:21 301k Contemporary Block Ciphers
lpe.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:21 242k On the Construction of Variable-Input-Length Ciphers
marco.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:55 233k The Future of Cryptography Under Quantum Computers
matrices.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:56 121k Using Matrices for Cryptography
md5-vs-sha.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 5k A quick comparison on MD5 vs SHA
md5_someday.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 55k MD5 To Be Considered Harmful Someday
memoire-julien.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:28 720k Protocoles cryptographiques avec des participants limités en espace mémoire
modesv2.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:22 118k Modes of Operation of a Block Cipher
musee.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:22 718k Un apercu de l'histoire de la cryptologie
new_introduction_crypto.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:55 278k Introduction à la cryptographie
oakland.pdf 07-Jul-2004 23:15 263k Cryptographic Key Generation from Voice
ocb-full.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:23 659k OCB: A Block-Cipher Mode of Operation for Efficient Authenticated Encryption
ocf.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:57 133k The Design of the OpenBSD Cryptographic Framework
odyssey.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:58 120k Using Voice to Generate Cryptographic Keys
onetime.pdf 26-Jul-2004 13:10 50k One-Time Pad or Vernam Cipher
paper716.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 76k Quantum Cryptography: Is your data safe even when somebody looks ?
paper722.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 34k The Day DES Died
paper723.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 30k Encryption Regulation: A First Amendment Perspective
paper724.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 85k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
paper726.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 46k One Fish, Twofish, Red Fish, Blowfish - A History of Cryptography and it’s Application in Society
paper732.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 33k Who’s Who in AES ?
paper735.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:40 33k Key and Certificate Management in Public Key Infrastructure Technology
paper736.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 38k
paper737.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 101k Implementing PKI in a Non-Heterogeneous Environment - A Primer on Digital Certificate And Key Formats
paper738.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 135k The Weakest Link: The Human Factor - Lessons Learned from the German WWII Enigma Cryptosystem
paper740.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 40k AES: The Making of a New Encryption Standard
paper751.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 33k A Review of the Diffie-Hellman Algorithm and its Use in Secure Internet Protocols
paper764.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 70k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
paper768.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 60k S-Box Modifications and Their Effect in DES-like Encryption Systems
paper874.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 73k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
paper878.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 271k Applied Encryption: Ensuring Integrity of Tactical Data
paper879.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:35 245k An Overview of Cryptographic Hash Functions and Their Uses
paper885.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 395k Is the future of cryptography in qubits
paper886.pdf 26-Feb-2005 18:34 72k Cryptography: What is secure ?
perf.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:23 179k Cryptographic File Systems Performance: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
pitfalls.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:59 56k Security Pitfalls In Cryptography
preprint_frey.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:02 336k Mathematical Background of Public Key Cryptography
qbsc_2004.pdf 26-Jul-2004 13:11 62k Design and Implementation of a Crypto Processor and Its Application to Security System
queensland.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:42 202k Crypto in Europe - Markets, Law and Policy
robustness.pdf 28-Aug-2004 18:32 123k Robustness principles for public key protocols
secret_key_cryptography.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:15 1.1M Secret Key Cryptography
shi_asap00.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:15 63k Bit Permutation Instructions for Accelerating Software Cryptography
skipjack-kea.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:43 214k SKIPJACK and KEA Algorithm Specifications
text.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:20 26k Design and Implementation of Three Cryptographic Systems: DH Key Exchange, DH Digital Signature, RSA
thesis-ac.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:54 668k Weak Keys
thesis.pdf 07-Jul-2004 23:17 1.6M Facilitating the Modelling and Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols
trapdoor.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:54 41k A hard problem: Disclosing how to break public key cryptosystems
understanding_ssl.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:21 265k Understanding Digital Certificates and Secure Sockets Layer
usenix00.pdf 19-Sep-2004 15:39 293k An Open-source Cryptographic Coprocessor
wake.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:54 150k A Bulk Data Encryption Algorithm
Si tu peux résoudre un problème, quel besoin as tu de t'inquiéter ? Si tu ne peux le résoudre, à quoi bon te faire du souci? [Dalai Lama]