Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory 14-May-2005 22:46 - Agonizing Memories
013.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:04 57k Cryptanalysis of a Provably Secure Cryptographic Hash Function
015-samyde_french.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:14 63k Cryptanalyse par side channel
016-samyde_english.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:04 59k Side channel cryptanalysis
044.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:04 312k Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Equations
109.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:05 240k Cryptanalysis of SAFER++
125.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:05 229k Algebraic Attacks on Combiners with Memory and Several Outputs
135.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:05 127k Collision Attack on Reduced Round Camellia
142.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:11 153k On the Applicability of Distinguishing Attacks Against Stream Ciphers
152.pdf 25-Jul-2004 12:58 135k A note on Weak Keys of PES, IDEA and some Extended Variants
31-tkohno.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:05 224k Preliminary Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round Serpent
35-ebiham.pdf 08-Jul-2004 22:19 179k Cryptanalysis of Reduced Variants of Rijndael
36-tshimoyama.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:01 196k Correlation Attack to the Block Cipher RC5 and the Simplified Variants of RC6
418pdf.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:54 125k Trojan Horse Attacking Strategy on Quantum Cryptography
752.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:02 662k Basic Cryptanalysis Techniques
AttackTranspositionICEST2003.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:02 268k Attacks on the Transposition Ciphers Using Optimization Heuristics
BauerCryptanalysis.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:05 96k Cryptanalysis
CS0910.revised.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:11 197k Differential Fault Analysis of Secret Key Cryptosystems
CS0928.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:11 177k Cryptanalysis of the ANSI X9.52 CDCM Mode
Crypto94.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:06 230k Linear Cryptanalysis Using Multiple Approximations
DFT2002_Paper.pdf 27-Jul-2004 10:52 207k Fault-Based Side-Channel Cryptanalysis Tolerant Rijndael Symmetric Block Cipher Architecture
Dobbertin_MD4.pdf 08-Jul-2004 22:19 159k Cryptanalysis of MD4
Eurocrypt96.pdf 23-Jul-2004 13:06 249k Non-Linear Approximations in Linear Cryptanalysis
HG97chis.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:49 127k Cryptanalysis of the SEAL Encryption Algorithm
Han99abs.pdf 30-Jun-2004 10:15 62k Cryptanalyse et sécurité des algorithmes à clé secrète
JournalHeysTavares.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:02 176k Substitution-Permutation Networks Resistant to Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis
NitNat.pdf 26-Jul-2004 12:49 335k Cracking the NitNat Cipher
RSA-survey.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:55 303k Twenty Years of Attacks on RSA Cryptosystem
ShortSecretExponents.pdf 08-Jul-2004 22:20 119k Cryptanalysis of Short RSA Secret Exponents
SubstGen.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:21 79k Solving Substitution Ciphers with Genetics Algorithm
TalkSummerschool.pdf 08-Jul-2004 22:20 161k Stream Cipher Cryptanalysis - Algebraic Attacks
TriStrata.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:21 133k Security Weaknesses in a Randomized Stream Cipher
TwokeytripleDES.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:21 58k Encryption and security: the Data Encryption Standard
WuHongjun_2002_23840169.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:03 121k Cryptanalysis of Stream Cipher Alpha1
WuHongjun_2002_25130447.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:03 92k Related-Cipher Attacks
Y_23_rc4_cryptana.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:04 200k Cryptanalysis of RC4-like Ciphers
andreas3.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:25 2.3M How secure is a cipher?
codebook_solution.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:56 325k How we Cracked the Code Book Ciphers
correlation.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:11 140k Searching for the Optimum Correlation Attack
cryptanalysis.pdf 08-Jul-2004 22:20 147k A Self-Study Course in Block-Cipher Cryptanalysis
cs753.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:41 227k New Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks Using Related Keys
cs782.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:42 213k Differential Cryptanalysis of Lucifer
cs813.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:42 188k On Matsui's Linear Cryptanalysis
cs817.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:43 166k An Improvement of Davies' Attack on DES
cs833.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:43 186k Cryptanalysis of Multiple Modes of Operation
cs842.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:44 173k A Known Plaintext Attack on the PKZIP Stream Cipher
cs885.pdf 15-Sep-2004 19:45 261k Cryptanalysis of Triple Modes of Operation
drm1.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:47 162k Attacking an obfuscated cipher by injecting faults
extwp3-001-2.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:07 81k Cryptanalysis of LILI-128
fmirza-report.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:43 241k Block Ciphers And Cryptanalysis
frogAES2pub.pdf 24-Jul-2004 13:20 195k Cryptanalysis of FROG
fse98.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:11 190k Differential Cryptanalysis of the ICE Encrypting Algorithm
heurlang.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:25 34k Heuristic Language Analysis: Techniques and Applications
icrijndael.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:07 204k Improved Cryptanalysis of Rijndael
idea.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:11 191k The Block Cipher IDEA
initial_securid_analysis.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:54 129k Initial Cryptanalysis of the RSA SecurID Algorithm
keliherPhD.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:08 714k Linear Cryptanalysis of Substitution-Permutation Networks
keysched-crypto96.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:12 220k Key-Schedule Cryptanalysis of IDEA, G-DES, GOST, SAFER, and Triple-DES
keysched-icics97.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:12 218k Related-Key Cryptanalysis of 3-WAY, Biham-DES, CAST, DES-X, NewDES, RC2, and TEA
loki97.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:12 87k Weaknesses in LOKI97
md5-cryptanalysis.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 6k Analysis and Design of Cryptographic Hash Functions
mmthesis-side-channel.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:09 816k Techniques of Side Channel Cryptanalysis
muxfsr.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:12 134k A Faster Attack on Certain Stream Ciphers
natarara.pdf 24-Jul-2004 08:43 151k Differential CryptAnalysis
paper-design-vulnerabilities.pdf 25-Jul-2004 13:59 108k Cryptographic Design Vulnerabilities
provsec.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:42 145k Weak Keys
pseudorandom_number.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:03 219k Cryptanalytic Attacks on Pseudorandom Number Generators
rc5.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:12 202k Improved Differential Attacks on RC5
rc5diff.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:42 153k
repetition_codes.pdf 27-Jul-2004 11:27 68k Breaking Block Ciphers using Repetition Codes
rsa.txt 24-Jul-2004 11:35 6k RSA: Attacking the cryptosystem
sshtiming.pdf 25-Jul-2004 14:20 317k Timing Analysis of Keystrokes and Timing Attacks on SSH
ssl-timing.pdf 05-Jul-2004 13:56 144k Remote Timing Attacks are Practical
trunc_dif_saf.pdf 29-Aug-2004 12:13 184k Truncated Differentials of SAFER
Si tu peux résoudre un problème, quel besoin as tu de t'inquiéter ? Si tu ne peux le résoudre, à quoi bon te faire du souci? [Dalai Lama]
| # updates # buildtime: 20061031 # donjon files: -===~
,------------ /coding/
| The Tao of Programming
,------------ /coding/ai/games/
| Game AI: The shrinking gap between computer games and AI systems
| Making the Human Care: On Building Engaging Bots
,------------ /coding/ai/games/quake/
| Quake II as a Robotic and Multi-Agent Platform
| It Knows What You’re Going To Do: Adding Anticipation to a Quakebot
| Intelligent Autonomous Agents in Quake
| Quake III : Fun And More - A tutorial introduction to building Quake III mods and more!
| The Quake III Arena Bot
,------------ /esprit/emags/dhmag/
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 01: Shape up your DOS environment, Mixed Language Programming
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 02: The PSP, ANSI, opening the CD Tray
| DOS Help Magazine/Volume 1,Number 03: Hex2Dec2Bin2Oct, TSR Clock, More File Handles, ERRORLEVEL
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the Spice expands consciousness / Smuggled by the evil Dr.Gang
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