CIS 307: Sockets

Online references:

[Introduction], [Client-Server Architecture], [Summary on Socket Functions], [Socket Functions], [Examples], [Measurements], [Socket States]


We examine the functions for communication through sockets. [Though in your practice you may be able to skip this software level and use things (middleware) like DCE RPC (Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call) still an understanding of the socket API provides a grounding on some of the issues and problems of distributed computations.] A socket is an endpoint used by a process for bidirectional communication with a socket associated with another process. Sockets, introduced in Berkeley Unix, are a basic mechanism for IPC on a computer system, or on different computer systems connected by local or wide area networks. In the following we will not be concerned with networks and data communications. We will take instead a strictly operational viewpoint: how to program with sockets to create communication channels. The communication channel created with sockets can be like a telephone line (connection oriented), with the sockets as telephones over which a conversation can take place. Or the channel can be as when we send mail (datagram oriented), with the sockets as mailboxes. Connection oriented communication is reliable, i.e. the system takes care of errors, and order-preserving, i.e. the receiver will receive information in the order in which it was sent. Datagram oriented communication is unreliable, i.e. messages can be lost, or they may not be delivered in the order in which they were sent. Of course the convenience of connection oriented sockets comes at a heavy price in performance
A socket appears to the user to be like a file descriptor on which we can read, write, and ioctl. In the connection oriented mode, the file is like a sequence of characters that we can read with as many read operations as we like. In the connectionless mode we have to get a whole message in a single read operation. If we don't, what is left over of the message is lost. Though sockets can be used in a single computer system for interprocess communication (the Unix domain), we will only consider their use for communication across computer systems (the Internet domain). It is possible to send message on a socket that take precedence over other undelivered messages. These priority messages are called out-of-band messages. We will not deal with them in this note. We will also not deal with composite messages (sendmsg and recvmsg).

A problem in communication is how to identify interlocutors. In the case of phones we have telephone numbers, for mail we have addresses. For communicating between sockets we [usually, since within a single computer we could use file names] identify an interlocutor with a pair: IP address and port. [In reality there is a third component, the protocol, but that will not be relevant to us since the protocol used will always be obvious in our cases.] This represents the address or name of the interlocutor. IP addresses (things like are 32 bit unsigned integers (155, 247, 207, 190 are the bytes, with 155 the most significant bits - the network representation of integers, called big-endian). We only consider Version 4 IP Addresses. An IP address consists of two parts, one identifying a network (in the case of, the network is 155.247), the other identifying a computer within that network (in our case 207.190) and can be used in a number of formats. IP addresses are more easily rememberer as host names (things like [You may find about IP to host conversions with the nslookup command and by looking in the /etc/hosts file.] [IP addresses, to be exact, identify the Network Interface Card between a computer and a network, and a computer might have a number of such cards connecting to a number of networks. But for brevity we will not worry about this distinction.] A special IP is used to refer to the local host,, the loopback localhost. The IP address,, is called INADDR_ANY and is tied to all the IP addresses of this machine (used during bootstrap of this system). Another special IP,, is used for broadcast to all hosts on the local network of the current machine. And the host id consisting of all 1s is used to broadcast to all the computers of a LAN.
Ports are 16 bit unsigned integers. (The first 1024 port numbers are reserved for things like http, 80. These ports are called well-known ports. You can look in the files /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf to see standard uses (ftp, telnet, finger, ..) of these ports. From 1014 up things are not too well established. Certainly from 49152 to 65535 the ports are private and can be dynamically allocated (ephemeral ports). The interval 1024 to 49151 consists of registered ports. For reasons I am not sure of it is recommended that the ports that you personally select be in the range 5000 to 49151. The port 0 is used as a wild card, to request the kernel to find a port for us, we do not care which.

Client-Server Architecture

A standard way of using sockets and communication channels is between clients and servers. A server is a process that is able to carry out some function, called a service, like transferring files, translating host names to IP addresses, or inverting a matrix. A client is a process that requests a server to do a service (say, "translate"). Typically the server will be at a known IP address and will respond to requests sent to a known port. In some cases that port is not universally known, so the server will advertize the port it is currently using (it may advertize the port by printing out its value, or sending email, or having inetd, a special process, know about it, etc.). In some cases the IP address of the server is not known and one may have a "standard" server that responds to requests of the form "where can I find service Moo" by responding with an appropriate IP address. The client requests the kernel to obtain a free port to be used for communication with the server. The server does not have to know in advance the identity of its clients. It is ready to accept a message from any interlocutor. When it receives a message from a client, the message itself contains the IP and the port of the client, so that the server knows whom to answer to.

An address, host+port, can be used for multiplexing more than one communication channel. So one server can communicate simultaneously with more than one client. Each communication channel on the server will have its own socket bound to the same address. In other words, each connection on the internet is identified by a socket pair: [client IP, client port] + [server IP, server port], plus the protocol being used (say, TCP or UDP).

Summary On Socket Functions

The following is a summary of the basic socket functions as they are used for datagram and connection oriented service by clients and servers. In the following section we will go in greater detail over these functions.

Datagram Service

socket => ([bind =>] [connect =>] {write => read}*) | {sendto => recvfrom}* => close | shutdown
In words: create a socket, then bind it to a local port [if bind is not used, the kernel will select a free local port], establish the address of the server, write and read from it, or just sendto and recvfrom it; then terminate. In the case that client is not interested in a response, it does not need to use bind. Connect is worth using when we send many datagrams to the same server.
socket => bind => {read | recvfrom => write | sendto}* => close | shutdown
In words: create a socket, bind it to a local port, accept and reply to messages from client, terminate. In the case that the server does not need reply to the client, it can just use read instead of recvfrom.

Connection Oriented service

socket => [bind =>] connect => {write | sendto => read | recvfrom }* => close | shutdown
In words: create a socket, bind it to a local port (we usually do not call bind), establish the address of the server, communicate with it, terminate. If bind is not used, the kernel will select a free local port.
socket => bind => listen => {accept => {read | recvfrom => write | sendto}* }* => close | shutdown
In words: create a socket, bind it to a local port, set up service with indication of maximum number of concurrent services, accept requests from connection oriented clients, receive messages and reply to them, terminate.

Socket Functions

Creating a socket

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
      domain is either AF_UNIX, AF_INET, or AF_OSI, or ..
         AF_UNIX is the Unix domain, it is used for communication within a 
            single computer system. [AF_LOCAL is the Posix name for AF_UNIX.]
         AF_INET is for communication on the internet to IP addresses.
            We will only use AF_INET.
      type is either SOCK_STREAM (TCP, connection oriented, reliable),
         or SOCK_DGRAM (UDP, datagram, unreliable), or SOCK_RAW (IP level).
         It is the name of a file if the domain is AF_UNIX.
      protocol specifies the protocol used. It is usually 0
         to say we want to use the default protocol for the chosen
         domain and type. We always use 0.
      It returns, if successful, a socket descriptor which is an int.
      It returns -1 in case of failure.
Here is a typical call to socket:
    if ((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) < 0) {
       perror("socket"); exit(1);}

Socket Addresses

Here are the structures (OSF Unix) used to store socket addresses as used in the domain AF_INET:
    struct in_addr {
        u_long s_addr;

    struct sockaddr_in {
        u_short        sin_family; /*protocol identifier; usually AF_INET */
        u_short        sin_port;   /*port number. 0 means let kernel choose */
        struct in_addr sin_addr;   /*the IP address. INADDR_ANY refers to */
                                   /*the IP addresses of the current host.*/
                                   /*It is considered a wildcard IP address.*/
        char           sin_zero[8];}; /*Unused, always zero */

    In order to use struct sockaddr_in you need to include in your program

	#include <netinet/in.h>

    The following structure sockaddr is more generic than but compatible
    with sockaddr_in (both are 16 bytes starting with the same field).

    struct sockaddr {
        u_short  sa_family;
        char     sa_dat[14];};

    In the Unix domain we have a different address, sockaddr_un, which is
    also compatible with sockaddr. In order to use sockaddr_un you need to
    include in your program

	#include <sys/un.h>

Binding to a local port

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    int bind(int sd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen)
       sd: File descriptor of local socket, as created by the socket
       addr: Pointer to protocol address structure of this socket. 
       addrlen: Length in bytes of structure referenced by addr.
    It returns an integer, the return code (0=success, -1=failure)
Bind is used to specify for a socket the protocol port number where it will wait for messages. Here is a typical call to bind:
    struct sockaddr_in name;
    bzero((char *) &name, sizeof(name)); /*zeroes out sizeof(name) characters*/
    name.sin_family = AF_INET;           /*use internet domain*/
    name.sin_port = htons(0);            /*ask kernel to provide a port*/
    name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /*use all IPs of host*/
    if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)) < 0) {
       perror("bind"); exit(1);}

    A call to bind is optional on the client side, required on the server side.
    After a socket is bound we can retrieve its address structure, given the
    socket file descriptor (the int) by using the function getsockname.

We need to understand the reasons for the calls to htons and htonl. Numbers on different machines may be represented differently (big-endian machines and little-endian machines - in a little endian machine the low order byte of an integer appears at the lower address; in a big endian machine instead the low order byte appears at the higher address. For example if c[2] is a byte array initialized to 0x0102, in a little endian machine c[0] contains 2 and c[1] contains 1. Network order, the order in which numbers are sent on the internet, is big-endian. Sun-Sparc machines are big endian. i-386 PC and Digital Alpha are little endian. Here is a simple program that lets you see if your machine is big endian or little endian.) We need to make sure that the right representation is used on each machine. We use functions to convert from host to network form before transmission (htons for short integers, and htonl for long integers), and from network to host form after reception (ntohs for short integers, and ntohl for long integers).

The functions bzero zeroes out a buffer of specified length. It is one of a group of functions for dealing with arrays of bytes. bcopy copies a specified number of bytes from a source to a target buffer. bcmp compares a specified number of bytes of two byte buffers. Alternatively one can use memcpy, memset, ..

Connecting to a Server

A remote process, usually a server, is identified by an IP address and a port number. The connect operation is used on the client side to identify and, possibly, start the connection to the server. It is required in the case of connection oriented communication. In the datagram case it is not required, but, if used, it gives the default name of the interlocutor so that we do not need to repeat it in each message when using send, and it will not accept datagrams from other addresses. In the stream case it performs the active open of the connection (see socket states).
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    int connect(int sd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen)
       sd file descriptor of local socket
       addr pointer to protocol address of other socket
       addrlen length in bytes of address structure
    It returns an integer (0=success, -1=failure)
Here is a typical call to connect:
    #define SERV_NAME ...    /* say, " */
    #define SERV_PORT ...    /* say, 8001 */
    struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
    struct hostent *hp;      /* Here we store information about host*/
    int sd;                  /* File descriptor for socket */
    /* initialize servaddr */
    bzero((char *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
    servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servaddr.sin_port = htons(SERV_PORT);
    hp = gethostbyname(SERV_NAME);
    if (hp == 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, "failure to address of %s\n", SERV_NAME); exit(1);}
    bcopy(hp->h_addr_list[0], (caddr_t)&servaddr.sin_addr, hp->h_length);
    if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) < 0) {
       perror("connect"); exit(1);}
The function gethostbyname is described below.


The function gethostbyname given a host name, like, returns 0 in case of failure, or a pointer to a struct hostent object which gives information about the host names+aliases+IPaddresses:
    struct  hostent {
	char	*h_name;	/* official name of host */
	char	**h_aliases;	/* null terminated list of aliases*/
	int	h_addrtype;	/* host address type */
	int	h_length;	/* length of address structure */
	char	**h_addr_list;	/* null terminated list of addresses */
	                        /* from name server */
    #define	h_addr	h_addr_list[0] /*address,for backward compatibility*/};
In this structure h_addr_list[0] is the first IP address associated with the host. In order to use this structure you must include in your program:
    #include <netdb.h>
The function prototype is
    struct hostent *gethostbyname(const char *hostname);
Other functions help us find out things about hosts, services, protocols, networks: getpeername, gethostbyaddr, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, getprotoent, getservbyname, getservbyport, getservent, getnetbyname, getnetbynumber, getnetent.

Listening for a Client

The listen function is used on the server in the case of connection oriented communication to prepare a socket to accept messages from clients. It has the form:
    int listen(int fd, int qlen)
       fd file descriptor of a socket that has already been bound
       qlen specifies the maximum number of connection requests that
          can wait to be processed by the server while the server is 
          busy servicing another connection request.
       It returns an integer (0=success, -1=failure)
Here is a typical call to listen:
    if (listen(sd, 5) < 0) {
       {perror("listen"); exit(1);}

Accepting a connection from a Client

The accept function is used on the server in the case of connection oriented communication (after a call to listen) to accept a connection request from a client.
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    int accept(int fd, struct sockaddr *addressp, int *addrlen)
       fd is an int, the file descriptor of the socket the
          server was listening on [in fact it is called the listening
          socket], i.e. on which the server has successfully 
	  completed socket, bind, and listen.
       addressp points to an address. It will be filled with
          address of the calling client. We can use this address to
          determine the IP address and port of the client.
       addrlen is an integer that will contain the actual length
          of address structure of client.
    It returns an integer representing a new socket (-1 in case of failure).
    It is the socket that the server will use from now on to communicate 
    with the client that requested connection [in fact it is called
    the connected socket]. Different calls to accept will result
    in different connected sockets.
Here is a typical call to accept:
    struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
    int ssd, csd, length;
    if ((cfd = accept(ssd, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &length) < 0) {
       perror("accept"); exit(1);}
    /* here we give the new socket to a thread or a process that will */
    /* handle communication with this client. */
Successive calls to accept on the same listening socket return different connected sockets. These connected sockets are multiplexed on the same port of the server by the TCP software. [This software uses the quartet Client-IP-Address.Client-Port.Server-IP-Address.Server-Port (plus the protocol) to identify the various simultaneous connections.]

Read, Write

We can use a socket like a normal file descriptor and read from it or write to it. In order to do so the socket must be connected to an interlocutor. (Other commands we can use when a socket is connected are send and recv.) Beware that when we try to read n octets, we may have to execute the command repeatedly each time retrieving less than the total n. For example, we may ask for 400 octets and retrieve 100 octets in the first read, and the remainder in a second read. Also normally read and write operations are blocking. This is intended as follows: in the write operation the data is moved from the buffer in the space of the process calling the write operation to a system buffer associated with the socket. Control returns to the caller in a blocking call when all the data in the user buffer has been moved to the system buffer. This does not usually mean that the data has been received by the intended destination, or even sent.

Sendto and Recvfrom

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    int sendto(int sd, char *buff, int len, int flags, 
           struct sockaddr *addressp, int addrlen)
       sd, socket file descriptor
       buff, address of buffer with the information to be sent
       len, size of the message
       flags, usually 0; could be used for priority messages, etc.
       addressp, address of process we are sending message to
       addrlen, length of message
       It returns number of characters sent. It is -1 in case of failure.
The flags we can use with sendto are:
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

    int recvfrom (int sd, char *buff, int len, int flags, 
           struct sockaddr *addressp, int *addrlen)
       sd, socket file descriptor
       buff, address of buffer where message will be stored
       len, size of buffer
       flags, usually 0; used for priority messages, peeking etc.
       addressp, buffer that will receive address of process that 
            sent message
       addrlen, contains size of addressp structure;

       It returns number of characters received. It is -1 in case of failure.
The flags we can use with recvfrom are: The use of flags is beyond the level considered in these notes [as always, see Stevens].
Other operations for reading and writing from sockets are: send, recv, sendmsg, recvmsg.


It is like close but more flexible. It allows us to close just read operations, or write operations or both. For example, we can shutdown the write connection of a socket while keeping the read connection open to read pending data from the interlocutor. Then, when the interlocutor recognizes our "shutdown" and closes the connection from its end, we will read an end-of-file condition and we completely close the connection.
There is another distinction between shutdown and close. If a socket is open in more than one process (for instance by a parent and a child process), then close will have no effect as long the socket is still open by somebody. Instead shutdown has the desired effect no matter the number of processes in which the socket is open.
    int shutdown(int sd, int action)
       sd is a socket descriptor
       action is (0 = close for reads) (1 = close for writes)
          (2 = close for both reads and writes)
    It returns an integer (0=success, -1=failure)


It is used to determine the address to which a socket is bound.
    int getsockname(int sd, struct sockaddr *addrp, int *addrlen)
       sd is the socket descriptor of a bound socket.
       addrp points to a buffer. After the call it will have the
          address associated to the socket.
       addrlen gives the size of the buffer. After the call gives 
          size of address.
    It returns an integer (0=success, -1=failure)


It is used to obtain the address of the remote host connected to the current socket. It can be used for example by a server to determine the identity of the client trying to communicate with it and to decide whether to accept or refuse the connection based upon the identity of the client.
    int getpeername(int sd, struct sockaddr *addrp, int *addrlen)
       sd is the socket descriptor of a connected socket
          i.e. of a socket returned by accept.
       addrp points to a sockaddr buffer. After the call it 
          will have the address associated to peer of socket. It is the same
          structure and information as it is available in the client
          address structure after the accept call.
       addrlen gives the size of the buffer. After the call gives 
          size of address.
    It returns an integer (0=success, -1=failure)
Here is an example of use of getpeername:
    struct sockaddr_in name;
    in namelen = sizeof(name);
    if (getpeername(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &namelen) < 0) {
       perror("getpeername"); exit(1);}
    printf("Connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(name.sin_addr));
We see here a new function inet_ntoa: Translate an internet integer address into a dot formatted character string such as It requires the include files:
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
The inverse of inet_ntoa is inet_addr which, given an IP address as a string returns its value as an unsigned network ordered integer:
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    unsigned int inet_addr(char *IP_address_string);
Another inverse of inet_ntoa is inet_aton which is not available in many Unix systems.
The functions inet_pton and inet_ntop are being recommended instead of inet_ntoa and inet_aton since they work for both IPv4 and IPv6.


Usually after a socket has been bound to a port, even after the socket has been closed, the port is unusable by other sockets for a while. That is, if a process has used port p with socket s and it closes s, then another process cannot bind a socket to p for a good number of seconds. To avoid this (and to many other things such as choosing buffer sizes, ..), and make a port immediately reusable is available the function setsockopt that must be called before the socket is bound.
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <socket.h>
    int setsockopt(int socket, /* the socket created by a socket call */
                   int level,  /* use SOL_SOCKET or, better, see man page  */
		   int option_name, /* use SO_REUSEADDR, SO_LINGER .. */
		   char * option_value, /* address of an integer set to 1
				to enable an option, 0 to disable */
		   size_t option_length);  /* size of option_value buffer */
    /* Returns 0 in case of success, -1 otherwise */
The function getsockopt is used to retrieve the value of options associated to a socket. Here is an example of use of setsockopt.
    option_value = 1;  /* int option_value; */
    if (setsockopt(sd,SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&option_value,
		   sizeof(option_value)) < 0)
One may see the impact of this statement, and the impact of the SO_REUSEADDR, by first writing a server without this statement. Then running the server using a port, say 5194, and a client, then executing at the unix prompt
    netstat - a | grep 5194
This will display how 5194 is being used. The use will not change for a few seconds even if client and server are killed. If setsockopt is used instead the use will change and a new bind on 5194 will be accepted immediately. The reason is explained somewhat in the states section where we see the TIME_WAIT state in which the socket remains at the end of the close.

For a detailed treatment of socket options, see Stevens. Here is a Stevens's program to determine the current values of socket options and here is the corresponding output on my computer (digital unix).


If a process is blocked in a slow system call (for example, connect, accept, read, write) and a signal is delivered to this process (for example, an alarm goes off and the SIGALRM signal is delivered), then the slow system call is terminated and the system external symbol errno is set to the value EINTR. In this case one may not want to terminate a function or a process as often is done, but instead one could restart the slow system call. Here is an example from Stevens.
Some systems support the flag SA_RESTART which can be set with the sigaction function for a signal. When SA_RESTART works, then if a slow system call is terminated by that signal, then that system call will be automatically restarted.


Example 1: Simple example where we use gethostname, gethostbyname, socket, bind, getsockname. The example does not do anything useful except show the use of these functions.

Example 2 (Datagram communication): a client and a server. In a loop, the client sends the current time to the server, waits for the reply, prints it out, and sleeps for a while. The server receives messages from clients and prints them out. It replies with its own current time. It also prints out information identifying the IP address and port of the client. No provision is made to cope with the unreliability of the communication channel.

Example 3 (TCP): Similar to Example 2, using TCP and runnable on both Unix and NT (from D.Comer: Computer Networks and Internets) client, and server
Here are other simple TCP client and server (an "echoserver"). Here is a multithreaded echoserver.
And here, modified from Stevens, Network Programming, Vol. 1, a "daytime" server and client.

Example 4: (Datagram communication) a client and a server. The client is invoked with three parameters: the name of a user, of a host, and a port. It sends the user name to the server and prints out the response. The server when it receives a user name checks if the user is currently logged on the host. It replies with an appropriate response. No provision is made to cope with the unreliability of the communication channel.

Example 5: (Datagram communication): a client and a server. A client in a loop sends a message to the server and waits with timeout for reply. The server receives messages and gives them to threads to respond to.

Example 6: A TCP concurrent server that forks child processes to handle client connections.

Example 7: Threaded Server from the Threads Primer book.

Example 8: A program for testing TCP servers. It is an abridged, slightly modified version of the ab.c program that comes with the apache server distribution. This program establishes a number of concurrent connections to a TCP server (usually an HTTP server) and measures latency, response time, data rate, etc.

Example 9: Another TCP concurrent server. Now, using a technique seen in the Apache server, each child process executes an accept statement on the listening socket. You can use the program in Example 8 to test this server (you will need a "index.html" file in the directory where the server is being run).

For more examples, and a wonderful book on Network Programming, read R.Stevens: "Unix Network Programming", Prentice-Hall, 1998. Here is the code presented in that book.
You may download the tarred file of this code from
You might look in particular to


Here are some measurements on the performance of sockets.
We have used the programs tcpserver and tcpclient to determine the performance of the TCP protocol. We have tested the performance on the same computer (programs communicating thorugh TCP), and between computers on the same LAN. For each arrangement we have tested a number of buffer sizes for the client.

TCP BETWEEN PROGRAMS ON SAME COMPUTER (an old alpha with Digital Unix)

	Buffer Size |  Average  | Standard Deviation
           (KB)     |  (Mbps)   |     (Mbps) 
	   1024     |   0.046   |  0.000  
	   2048     |   3.058   |  2.835
	   4096     |  40.313   |  1.229
	   8192     |  56.271   |  0.812
          16384     |  60.934   |  7.706
	  32768     |  69.078   |  1.269
          65536     |  71.621   |  1.554
         131072     |  66.575   |  8.319
         262144     |  65.037   |  5.481
         524288     |  65.426   |  0.809

TCP BETWEEN PROGRAMS ON DIFFERENT COMPUTERS ON SAME LAN (both old alpha with Digital Unix - 10Mbps ethernet)

	Buffer Size |  Average  | Standard Deviation
           (KB)     |  (Mbps)   |     (Mbps) 
           1024     |   0.045   |  0.000
	   2048     |   2.157   |  0.181
	   4096     |   3.365   |  0.168
	   8192     |   4.988   |  0.222
          16384     |   6.643   |  0.344
	  32768     |   6.747   |  0.182
          65536     |   6.550   |  0.478
         131072     |   6.875   |  0.266
         262144     |   6.876   |  0.370
         524288     |   6.745   |  0.271
Some observations:
  1. The default buffer sizes of the sockets were 32KB. The experimental data confirms that the default is a good choice.
  2. The variance in the results during a run is fairly high. It is even worse across runs.
  3. The use of a buffer size of 1KB has disasterous consequences, both on a single computer and on a LAN: data rate becomes less than 50Kbps.
  4. The data rate increases with buffer size up to 32KB. Then it retains essentially the same value. Thus these measurments do not suggest the use of larger and larger buffers.
  5. The performance of TCP on the same computer is an order of magnitude (a factor of about 10) better than across computers in a LAN.
  6. The programs mentioned above make it possible to test the server with a number of concurrent clients.
We have checked also the bandwith between processes that communicate through pipes. In this case we obtain an average badwidth of 324.4 Mbps and a standard deviation of 6.2 Mbps.
Just to complete this series of tests, we have the following results for memory copy:
	Transfer Size  |  Data Rate  |      Data Rate
           (Bytes)     |  Average    | Standard Deviation
                       |   (Mbps)    |       (Mbps)
	   4	       |    68.327   |       0.963
	   8   	       |   120.254   |       1.952
	  16           |   218.575   |       1.873
	  32	       |   313.049   |       5.371
	  64           |   435.295   |       1.331
         128	       |   503.564   |       1.422
	 256	       |   531.316   |      10.307
	 512	       |   541.813   |       2.403
 	1024 	       |   545.021   |       1.241

Testing Concurrent Servers

We tested the concurrent servers multiserver and multiserver1 described earlier as examples 6 and 9 using the testing program tst introduced in example 8. We run the test on a LAN between two old alpha workstations running Digital Unix transmitting ~3KB files. There was high variance. On average we found:
                        |  time to  |  latency |  response |  data 
                        |  connect  |          |  time     |  rate
	multiserver     |     4     |   120    |    180    |  150
	multiserver1    |     6     |    26    |     42    |  630
       where times are in milleseconds and data rate in kilobits per second.
Testing an Apache webserver, we found a similar behavior, with TimeToConnect=10, Latency=99, ResponseTime=108, and DataRate = 98.

Socket States

The following diagram from R.Stevens "Unix Network Programming" describes the state transitions in the TCP protocol:
  1. The transition from state CLOSED to state SYN_SENT should be labeled:
       appl: active open
       send: SYN
  2. In the transition SYN_RECVD to LISTEN, RST means "Reset".
  3. The transition from LAST_ACK to CLOSED should have the label:
       receive: ACK
       send: nothing

You can recognise in this state diagram the handshakes taking place when a connection is started and when it is terminated.
The transition CLOSED -> SYN_SENT -> ESTABLISHED takes place on the client as a result of the successful completion of the connect operation (active open).
The transition CLOSED -> LISTEN takes place in the server upon successful completion of socket+bind+listen (passive open).
The transition LISTEN -> SYN_RECVD -> ESTABLISHED takes place in the server upon successful completion of accept.
The transitions in the dotted boxes names "active close" and "passive close" take place upon successful completion of close operations.

  1. The transitions ESTABLISHED -> FIN_WAIT_1 -> FIN_WAIT_2 ->TIME_WAIT -> CLOSED take place when a connected process closes the connection (active close).
  2. The transitions ESTABLISHED -> CLOSE_WAIT -> LAST_ACK -> CLOSED take place in a connected process when it is told that the close is in progress (passive close).
  3. The transitions ESTABLISHED -> FIN_WAIT_1 -> CLOSING -> TIME_WAIT -> CLOSED take place when both connected processes (active) close independently at the same time.

The TIME_WAIT state is required to make sure that all packets between the client and server have either been delivered or totally lost. A client will remain in the TIME_WAIT state for up to 2*MSL, where MSL is the Maximum Segment Life, the maximum time a segment may remain alive in the network, say, going around because of a routing anomaly. MSL is up to one minute, so a client may remain in TIME_WAIT for up to 2 minutes.

Also from Stevens is the following diagram that displays a typical interaction between a client and a server. Notice in particular the 3-way handshake when the connection is established and the 4-way handshake when the connection is terminated. [mss stands for Maximum Segment Size.]

In the above diagram, the client, immediately after the write operation, should block on a read operation which will complete when the data reply arrives from the server.
The above diagram provides a second reason for the presence of the TIME_WAIT state: assume that the last ack from the active closer to the passive closer is lost. Then the passive closer upon timeout will resend the FIN N message. If the passive closer is in the TIME_WAIT state it can resend the ack. If state TIME_WAIT did not exist and the active closer went directly to the CLOSED state, then upon receiving the secoond FIN it would think it is an error and send an RST to the passive closer that, in absence of the final ack, it would be unable to close the connection cleanly.

You may use the netstat command to determine the sockets currently used in the system, the protocol they use, the local host+port, the remote host+port, and the socket state. For example in my machine netstat printed out (truncated):

Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2129  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2128  TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2127  TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2126  TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2123  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2122  TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80                sp185047.sbm.tem.2121  TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80        TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.pop3              bamboo.1690            TIME_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.80                dhcp40-98.netman.1631  FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.80                hd1-220.hil.comp.1132  FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.80            FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.80                hd1-220.hil.comp.1129  FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.2197              wilma.flair.temp.6000  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.imap              cc16262-a.wlgrv1.1922  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.80         FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.80           FIN_WAIT_2
tcp        0      0  joda.2105              joda.2104              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.telnet            bamboo.1445            ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.telnet            mrgrump.2056           ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.telnet            wilma.flair.temp.33079 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.1547              joda.80                CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.1538              www.Sun.COM.80         CLOSE_WAIT
tcp        0      0  joda.1533              wilma.flair.temp.6000  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.telnet            warhog.2316            ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.1482              wilma.flair.temp.6000  ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  joda.telnet            wilma.flair.temp.33077 ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  localhost.1032         *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  localhost.1031         *.*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0  localhost.1030         *.*                    LISTEN